show me the body

A collage series initially based in antique anatomical illustrations alongside commonplace objects and images of the natural world. It has since expanded to include a larger range of foundational images. My profound discomfort with bodily images inspired the series, which aims to provide the kind of surreal and grotesque versions of the body that might actually deserve my anxiety and disgust. Each collage additionally gravitates toward a specific theme: anxieties about emotional exposure, odontophobia, the volatility of nature, et cetera.

they say the medlar fruit ripens by its own corruption

hand-cut collage, 2023

made of what's ready to rot

hand-cut collage, 2023

who will mirror my neurons now?

digital collage, 2022

i think i'm afraid my heart is between my teeth

hand-cut collage, 2022

the fugue of acedia

digital collage, 2022

get me out from under the lens

hand-cut collage, 2022

i dreamt i awoke on a bed of moths

digital collage, 2021

better than biting my tongue?

digital collage, 2022

he was picking strawberries, then suddenly a wasp's nest

digital collage, 2021

this is how i fall in love

digital collage, 2021

forced open, but it came to nothing

digital collage, 2022

in my dreams my teeth are cracking

digital collage, 2021

i dug deep, but it was rotten all the way down

digital collage, 2021